John Hayes Astrology

Aquarius Weekly Horoscope - Monday 20 January 2025.

Aquarius Sign  Aquarius 20 Jan - 18 Feb

Your Week Ahead

While you can't always judge a book by its cover or trust first impressions, as the Sun returns to Aquarius on Monday to begin your birthday month and new solar year, all the coming year has to offer is on display from the start and it's good. The Sun returns to find that Pluto is still in Aquarius after they parted ways last February and while the planet of change and transformation had left and come back in that time, he is here now for the next 20 years. The Sun will also return to find the Moon in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery and at a friendly aspect to Jupiter in a playful and creative part of your chart, giving you a hint to what this side of life's fence will have to offer over the coming months. Also on display from the start is a powerful coming together of planets on the income, work and career fronts, something that is rare for any time of year let alone this early in the year. Yet this too is a glimpse of what to expect over the coming months, making it clear that you will need to put up some work/life balance guardrails.
Weekly Horoscopes from Forecasters.


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