John Hayes Astrology

Aries Weekly Horoscope - Monday 20 January 2025.

Horoscopes and Astrology

 Aries March 20th - April 20th

Where last week saw a Full Moon and a number of planetary clashes create some tension, things not only settle back this week but there is a chance to enjoy the benefits. Two of the biggest clashes delivered the same message while a smaller clash over the weekend brought a similar message and that is of a need for balance. Last week saw first a Full Moon and in the days following Mars clash with the Sun in his last week in your career sector. This was put a lot more weight behind a Full Moon that at some point during the Sun's month long visit to your career sector will always put your work/life balance to the test. This was followed over the weekend by the Moon's first crossing of the lunar nodes since they began their 18 month policing of how well you know when to keep your work hat on and when to take it off a week earlier. By the time the Sun leaves your career sector on Monday, this has also given things a positive boost across the income, work and career fronts while allowing you to put some early guardrails on this new professional year.

Weekly Horoscopes from Forecasters


Aries | Taur | Gem | Canc | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorp | Sagi | Capri | Aqua | Pisc

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