John Hayes Astrology

Aries Weekly Horoscope - Monday 14 October 2024.

Horoscopes and Astrology

 Aries March 20th - April 20th

A busy week in the heavens will have your attention drawn in many directions, but from the start, it is with a lot of focus on your relationships and on the communication lines. This is partly thanks to not only starting the week with a friendly aspect between the Sun in your relationship sector and Jupiter in your communication sector that will peak on Monday but will hold together all week. However, it is not just that with the Sun in his last full week in your relationship sector and Jupiter in his first full week in retrograde motion in your communication sector that makes this timely. Ahead of the Moon's return to Aries on Monday and the lead up to a Full Moon that will put a balance between your own and your relationship needs, there is a chance to go into his with the communication lines open. Meanwhile, it is Mercury's return to your financial sector on Monday that will give you a smart head for money going into Venus, the planet of money's final days here.

Weekly Horoscopes from Forecasters


Aries | Taur | Gem | Canc | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorp | Sagi | Capri | Aqua | Pisc

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