John Hayes Astrology

Leo Weekly Horoscope - Monday 20 January 2025.

Horoscopes and Astrology

Leo Sign  Leo 23 Jul - 22 Aug 

Your Week Ahead

It was over the weekend that having clashed as a Full Moon earlier last week, the Sun and Moon moved back into harmony and this is having an ongoing and positive impact on both sides of life's fence. It was over the weekend that the Moon returned for its first visit to your income sector for the year and in time to form a friendly aspect to the Sun in your work sector and Uranus in your career sector before leaving on Sunday. As well as getting the new working week off to a good start across the income, work and career fronts, as the Sun leaves your work sector on Monday and Uranus moves into his last full week in retrograde motion, it is with a renewed sense of confidence. Meanwhile, the Moon has moved on and begins the week in your communication sector and in time to ensure the communication lines are open when the Sun returns to your relationship sector on Monday. Meanwhile, the focus is shifting to the other side of the financial fence where an alignment between Venus and Saturn is fostering the resolve to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes in order to turn financial desires into reality.

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