John Hayes Astrology

Libra Weekly Horoscope - Monday 20 January 2025.

Horoscopes and Astrology

Libra Sign  Libra 23 Sep - 23 Oct

Moving into the new week with the Moon in Libra is always an advantage, ensuring your instincts are sharp and you are emotionally and intuitively engaged and aware from the start. This first visit for the year was always going to be a valuable chance to check in and especially as less than three weeks into 2025 there have already been some significant shifts and there are even more to come. This will also make it easier to navigate your way through what might appear to be mixed messages but is more a case of both sides of life's fence powering up at the same time. The Moon is not only in Libra when the Sun returns to a playful and creative part of your chart on Monday but begins the week at a friendly aspect to Jupiter in your sector of adventure, travel, learning and discovery. While the Moon is just passing through, this is a window into the powering up of the playful, creative and adventurous side of life's fence that will continue. However, this comes just as things are also powering up on the income, work and career fronts.

Weekly Horoscopes from Forecasters


Aries | Taur | Gem | Canc | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorp | Sagi | Capri | Aqua | Pisc

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