John Hayes Astrology

Taurus Weekly Horoscope - Monday 14 October 2024.

Horoscopes and Astrology

Taurus sign  Taurus 20 Apr - 20 May

Your Week Ahead

While the Moon will leave your career sector on Monday, this will do more than just allow you to move into the new working week with your professional instincts sharp from the start. The Moon was here when Pluto turned direct over the weekend, giving you a front row seat as the planet of change and transformation turned around and began his five and a half week trek back to your career sector. The Moon will also leave as a friendly aspect between the Sun on the job and Jupiter on the income front peaks, getting the working week off to a powerful start. It is also on Monday that Mercury will make a timely return to your relationship sector, with the planet of communication returning in time to help you get the most out of Venus' final days here before leaving on Friday. Mercury will stay on, keeping the momentum going until the Sun can turn the solar spotlight onto your relationships next week.

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